Bird Song Mnemonics

Mnemonics are memory aids. Birders use them to remember bird songs and calls. Some of them are kind of funny.

Shop here for fun gifts inspired by some of the most recognizable and outrageous phrases attributed to birds by birdwatchers. This silly birder mnemonic text t-shirts and novelties are fun gifts for birders of all levels!

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler - Chestnut-sided Warblers have a very cheerful greeting - their song sounds like "Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya!" This memory aid used by birders...
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee - The Eastern Towhee has an inviting song. It sounds like it would like to sit down for an afternoon snack -- "Drink your tea!"...
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal - Northern Cardinals always sound so happy. Their song can be remembered with the mnemonic (memory device) "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's...
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Olive-sided Flycatcher - It may not be an empid, but memory devices for any flycatcher species are always handy to have in your birder arsenal. So keep...
Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird - This nonsensical mnemonic is a harbinger of spring for many North American birders. When the first KONK-LA-REE is heard in the early months of...
Warbling Vireo
Warbling Vireo - The Vireos know how to sing a complicated song, but the Warbling Vireo takes the cake with this ridiculous mnemonic: "If I see you...
White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow - The White-throated Sparrow has a mournful song. This common mnemonic for that song is just as mournful. Poor Sam Peabody. Who is that? And...

Funny Song Bird Mnemonics T-Shirts for Birders

Mnemonics are memory aids. To help remember bird songs and calls, sometimes birdwatchers use mnemoics, or phrases that sound like the bird sounds. Often these phrases are funny made up sayings that help jog the memory while also tickling the funny bone. Here are some funny t-shirts for birders featuring memorable bird song mnemonics.

konk-la-ree sweatshirt – Do you know which bird species has this unique call? In some locations, this loud, brash bird call is a sign that spring is coming. It... View on Zazzle
konk-la-ree bumper sticker – Do you know which bird species has this unique call? In some locations, this loud, brash bird call is a sign that spring is coming. It... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! hoodie – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! T-Shirt – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
Drink your tea! bumper sticker – What a proper-sounding thing to say. Can you believe these words actually come from the beak of a bird? The Eastern Towhee, to be exact. Birders... View on Zazzle
If I see you I will seize you... T-Shirt – Do you know who says this rather violent phrase? If I told you the phrase was directed at a grub or a caterpillar, would it make... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody T-Shirt – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer! bumper sticker – What a cheerful thing to say: "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's what some people think the chipper, cheerful Northern Cardinal is saying when... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody T-Shirt – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
Drink your tea! magic mug – What a proper-sounding thing to say. Can you believe these words actually come from the beak of a bird? The Eastern Towhee, to be exact. Birders... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! T-Shirt – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! large tote bag – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! T-Shirt – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody T-Shirt – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
If I see you I will seize you... Bumper Sticker – Do you know who says this rather violent phrase? If I told you the phrase was directed at a grub or a caterpillar, would it make... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! bumper sticker – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
konk-la-ree coffee mug – Do you know which bird species has this unique call? In some locations, this loud, brash bird call is a sign that spring is coming. It... View on Zazzle
Drink your tea! T-Shirt – What a proper-sounding thing to say. Can you believe these words actually come from the beak of a bird? The Eastern Towhee, to be exact. Birders... View on Zazzle
If I see you I will seize you... T-Shirt – Do you know who says this rather violent phrase? If I told you the phrase was directed at a grub or a caterpillar, would it make... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! bumper sticker – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody Bumper Sticker – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
Drink your tea! sweatshirt – What a proper-sounding thing to say. Can you believe these words actually come from the beak of a bird? The Eastern Towhee, to be exact. Birders... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! T-Shirt – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! T-Shirt – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody Magic Mug – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer! tote bag – What a cheerful thing to say: "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's what some people think the chipper, cheerful Northern Cardinal is saying when... View on Zazzle
What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer! T-Shirt – What a cheerful thing to say: "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's what some people think the chipper, cheerful Northern Cardinal is saying when... View on Zazzle
Pleased pleased pleased to meet ya! T-Shirt – Who else but a Chestnut-sided Warbler could be so enthusiastic about meeting you? Nobody, that's who. They're so excited they are heard to say "Pleased pleased... View on Zazzle
Drink your tea! bumper sticker – What a proper-sounding thing to say. Can you believe these words actually come from the beak of a bird? The Eastern Towhee, to be exact. Birders... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! T-Shirt – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
If I see you I will seize you... Two-Tone Coffee Mug – Do you know who says this rather violent phrase? If I told you the phrase was directed at a grub or a caterpillar, would it make... View on Zazzle
poor Sam Peabody T-Shirt – Oh, poor poor Sam Peabody. Wait a minute, do you even know who Sam Peabody is? If you feel sorry for Sam, what about all the... View on Zazzle
quick, three beers! tote bag – This text design is a great in-joke that only a birdwatcher would get. Do you know who says "quick, three beers"? A birder entering a bar... View on Zazzle
konk-la-ree bumper sticker – Do you know which bird species has this unique call? In some locations, this loud, brash bird call is a sign that spring is coming. It... View on Zazzle
What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer! bumper sticker – What a cheerful thing to say: "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's what some people think the chipper, cheerful Northern Cardinal is saying when... View on Zazzle
What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer! T-Shirt – What a cheerful thing to say: "What cheer, what cheer, cheer cheer cheer!" That's what some people think the chipper, cheerful Northern Cardinal is saying when... View on Zazzle