The Original Hummer Funny Bird Lover Postcard

This fun postcard features an original cartoon-style design with bold text that reads "The original HUMMER" in stylized letters. Part of the second letter M make up part of a flower, which is being visited by a little green, white, and red hummingbird -- probably a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
The word "hummer" can have a few different meanings in modern slang language, which includes referring to a make of car from GMC. Another meaning is for mature audiences only! But this postcard design is toally innocent. It's fun to call these tiny birds "hummers".
Pick up this cute hummingbird lover design on a postcard as shown, or use Zazzle's tools to put this design on other gift items, including t-shirts, hats, totes, mugs, and much more.